Next Generation
For the future

During a recent dinner with professor emeritus of law John Paul Jones, Vishwa Bhargava Link, L’93, was reminded of the valuable mentorship she received from him in law school. “He talked about having 300 or some very high number of people he has watched and mentored over all these years of being a professor,” Bhargava Link said. “He never made me feel like I was one of 300. I felt like No. 1.”
She credits Jones for influencing her in two ways. First, he introduced her to energy regulation law. Second, he exemplified the importance of giving back as your career grows.
Bhargava Link has come full circle. She is a partner with McGuireWoods in Richmond, chair of the firm’s regulatory and compliance practice, and mentor to a team of younger colleagues. She teaches them how to be an advocate, collaborate with experts in various fields, and weave together a persuasive story for each case.
For her, the most exciting thing about energy regulation law is the ability to tell a story. Utility companies need lawyers like Bhargava Link to assemble a case about why a project — such as an offshore wind plant — would benefit stakeholders like consumers, environmental groups, and the utility. She and her team of over 25 attorneys present these cases before the State Corporation Commission of Virginia, which makes the final decision if stakeholders cannot reach an agreement.
What Bhargava Link enjoys most is her work in advocacy. Now 30 years into her career, Bhargava Link’s guiding light is supporting not only her clients but also her team. She draws on her colleagues’ individual strengths and helps them hone their skills.
“I realize that practicing law is an apprenticeship, and the most rewarding part is building a team of young folks who see that this is something they could do for a career,” she said. “It’s important to give other people opportunities to be the front person so that they can get the wins, too.”